The Bicycle Association of Great Britain today launched its manifesto, based on new analysis of the economic clout of its industry, and an urgent need to get more people cycling.
The analysis by economic consultancy SQW, available in full to BA members, shows the scale of cycling’s contribution to the UK economy. It also points to hard decisions ahead for the UK cycle industry, and the need for collaborative action to secure the future of cycling.
“The total annual GVA (Gross Value Added) of cycling and its principal related industries is well over £1 billion per annum at a conservative estimate, and it is probably much higher”, says BA Operations Director Steve Garidis. “Even more compelling is the industry’s contribution to the economic value of cycling as an activity. Based on our new analysis, the cycling industry makes possible at least £1 billion of additional health benefits per year.”
The analysis also points to worrying trends which the industry must work to influence – a decline in the number of children with access to a bicycle, and an over-reliance on a diminishing group of enthusiasts.
Steve Garidis adds: “There is a compelling case for the industry to pull together to get more people to start cycling, and so to secure the future of cycling. We need a three-pronged approach: advocacy, outreach, and promotion. Advocacy – to shape the policies and regulations that affect cycling. Outreach projects to bring new people to cycling; and Promotionto sell cycling to non-cyclists.”
The BA’s ‘Start Cycling’ Manifesto leads with measures to get children started in cycling, and adds a range of measures designed to help adults too. The BA plans to launch a new Bicycle Industry Fund this summer to fund the manifesto, aiming to raise £500,000 per year. It is calling for all cycle industry businesses with a stake in the future of cycling to participate.
This press release is also available as a PDF.